Antares?!? Antares!

Big news! The stagebreakers Antares will come with a brand new powerful LP of hard and heavy rocknroll with punk and metal influences.

Sloth is it’s name.
And we’re gonna release it with Rancore Records!

Listen a preview, and don’t forget the children!

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ANNOY-O-RAMA streaming!

annoying records 2013 releases compilation.
tapes out soooooooooon! [email protected]

Shizune | In memoria di nessuno
Cayman The Animal | I Say Prevert, You say pervert
Lyon Estates | Solo un silenzio
Hobophobic | Tutto in una notte
La Maledizione del benessere | Guardati attorno

Congegno | Incudini di Vetro
Crop Circles | Citizens of Fear
Attrito | Ancora nel vento
No Confidence | No Confidence
Minus Tree | Never Walk on a Frozen Lake